I'm excited to see wiki play an important part in this broad and intentional community. My community leadership has not extended far beyond software developers but I am proud to see that community having a positive impact on the world.
See Hack Platform Earth where my participation starts.
I joined the internet in 1994 running a FreeBSD gateway-router-server through a 14.4 modem running 24x7. I had to learn some system administration to keep this setup working but it gave me a very different perspective on what the web could be.
Folks would ask me how I made my sites so fast. I'm running through the same modems you are, I said, that's why I understand how to squeeze images.
I had some visitors from Japan once come to see the mighty c2.com datacenter. I said, that's it under the desk. Let's take a picture.
I wrote the first wiki which gave visitors a taste of authoring hypertext. I wan't sharing the whole experience though. This wiki intends to set that ownership thing right.
Dreams and ToDos considers what I see next for wiki.
2018 Journal excerpts what I'm reading and thinking.
The Good Parts I find and fork here without curation.