Darvozweek Day 4

Thursday 1st February 2018 at Newspeak House

Day 4 is about the Argument Map in the evening whilst coding goes on all day on Liquid Wiki.

A.M. The Coders are at work having developed a substantial body of activity on GitHub.

P.M. After returning from lunch, the room gradually begins another busy phase as many separate tables work on individual challenges.

15.30 Marian our videographer is talking to participants.

16.00 Dil Green is preparing for our 7pm meetup on Argument Mapping, so I have imported them below.

17.00 James Salsman has sent some very high quality links to our Argument Mapping exercise and I have improvised by incorporating them below, using OneTab.

17.30 I am now considering making provisions for a Post-Hackathon Discourse as part of refining the scribing methodology (Good Practice).

18.00 Posted the Zoom url to the meetup group for tonight. We are using THE SAME ZOOM for all our events. Lurkers welcome, just keep your mic muted, thanks.

19.00 We went Room'n'Zoom livestreaming with Dil presenting.

20.00 Connor set the screen-sharing mode (visible to us on the projector) to show the other participants and the chat to us in the room, and re-positioned the camera for a better vantage point.

20.20 We remembered to ASK the remote guests to make a comment and paused for a reply. Is this called Zoomcraft?

20.25 David set the video camera to widescreen which brought all our room into view.